Article 4639 Video - International Public Notice: Why We Say No By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4639 Video - International Public Notice: Why We Say No - Sunday, February 4, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We recently met a woman who could not understand why having RFIDs implanted in our bodies like a permanent Bar Code on a product was not a good idea.

"It helped me find my dog," she said.

Yes, it tracks every dairy cow in America, too.

Are you an animal? That is, a mere human, a fictional creation, in a foreign caste system?

The owners, who all know the truth and who claim to be non-citizen men and women, want all their livestock identified..... so, which one are you?

Man or animal?

Do you see why they call it the Mark of the Beast?

Because if you accept the mark, you are accepting the status of an animal.

It's not figurative. It's not referring to Satan or some other "entity" as the Beast, as in the Beast marking you with a branding iron.

No, it's you self-identifying as a mere human and agreeing to stand in the capacity of an animal, allowing yourself to be tagged like an animal, that makes the RFID tag (or similar technology) the "mark" of the beast.

Is this really something you want to accept for yourself and impose on others, too?


Didn't think so.

So, look at the Bar Association Members and politicians pushing this, and mark them for who and what they are.

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