Hollywood Trans-Humanism : Rise of the Machines -Jay Dyer

1 year ago

My talk from 5 or 6 years ago at AV9. Science fiction has long had a grip on the human mind; echoing the primal myths of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. But there is a Pentagon-driven strategy behind the popular comic book and Star Trek narratives we're fed. Not only does Hollywood participate in the CIA, FBI and NSA narratives, there is a deeper agenda at work, intent on indoctrinating the masses into a tyrannical technocratic dystopia, with the replacement of the human workforce, the rise of the SmartGrid and SmartCities, the 'Internet of Things' and the supposed downloading the consciousness into a virtual matrix. French Philosopher Jean Baudrillard referred to this transitionary stage as an extreme form of virtual nihilism. From the writings of H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley and Bertrand Russell to Isaac Asimov to Spielberg's usage of Dick and James Cameron's participation with NASA and the Terminator series and more recent film examples like Ex Machina, we have already been told what dystopia is to come - if WE allow it!

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