Coming into view

1 year ago

So why are there 11 likes on my last video. But not one single view?
Rumble is perfectly fine, right? 😆
Anyway,,,, Trump still President.
Bind en slips and says. Why wouldn’t they give me help on the border?
And a breakdown on Trump coms. Leading up to what many of us expect has been going on. And will happen soon.
I’ve screened through so many rapture podcasts, science podcasts, astronomers, whistleblowers Ect ect ect.
They ALL expect something to happen soon. Even there time lines are very similar. Because the numbers are dates. Dates are in the stars. And over time. Lies implode on themselves.
Rapture, pole shift, new world, revolution, return of Jesus. Its all the same time line no matter where you go or what you listen to.
The point is.
They can NOT all be wrong. Something huge is near on the horizon. It may seem horrible at first. But it WILL quickly turn beautiful. Something that will release our struggle. And set us free.
I hope someone reads this. You can fact check me on this all you like. It will take you years. As it has taken me to get to this conclusion. And by then. It will have past.
Never fear, never get so caught up. That it hurts you mentally or in any way. Take is all in and sift the big picture of it. Compare it to other things. There is something huge at play that is and will test us all.
Many things already have. The jab, the trans movement, financial problems. How did you do on the tests? You always have a chance to correct your mistakes.
Ok, my little rant is over. 😄
Smile and spread compassion.

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