The Vatican vs. The Bible-NOW THE END BEGINS-FEB 4 2024

1 year ago

As a faithful Roman Catholic student for 12 years, I was trained in all the ways that the Virgin Mary was co-equal with Jesus Christ the Saviour. She was the 'gatekeeper' to His presence, and if you wanted Him to had to have a relationship with her first. Teachings about the Virgin Mary were equal to, and in some places, greater than teachings about Christ. What I didn't know during this time of my life, however, that nearly all of it was not found in the Bible. Any Bible. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at some bedrock teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and compare what they teach to what is found in the pages of the Bible. We will look at the Mass, the Adoration of the Eucharist, the Virgin Mary, the saints, purgatory, and many other such Catholic teachings to see if their origins come from the Bible or from some other place. If a Catholic teaching agrees with the Bible, we will agree with that teaching. If it disagrees with the Bible, we will throw it out. Our authority is God's preserved word from Genesis to Revelation, rightly divided, anything outside of that is vain religion. If you are a Roman Catholic, like I was for 30 years, we invite you to come and see how much of what you've been taught lines up with the Bible. You just might be surprised.

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