Mar. 4, 1964 | Cassius Clay and Malcolm X Interview in NYC

1 year ago

Mar. 4, 1964 - Cassius Clay told African and Asian delegates to the United Nations today that he “couldn’t wait” to visit their countries. “I’m champion of the whole world,” he said during a two-hour tour of the U.N., “and I want to meet the people I am champion of.”
Clay, who had disclosed his membership in the Nation of Islam after taking the heavyweight title from Sonny Liston last month, said he had been deluged by invitations from Moslem countries. He said one of the places he wanted to visit was Mecca.
Clay, who had visited the U.N. in 1960 after winning the Olympic light-heavyweight title, made today’s tour at the invitation of two members of the U.N. press corps — Mal Goode of ABC and Charles Howard of the Howard News Syndicate.
Clay will remain at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem for another week before returning to Louisville. In the meantime, he plans to look for a home in the New York metropolitan area.
“I’m so popular I need a big town so all the people who want to watch me can do it,” he said. “New York’s the only place big enough for me.”
Among those accompanying the champion were his brother, Rudolph; Archie Robinson, his personal secretary; and Malcolm X, the Black Muslim leader. Clay said he objected to the term “Black Muslims” as applied to American Negro devotees of Islam. He said the word “black” had been bestowed by whites as the most offensive word they could find.
“Angel food cake is white. Devil food cake is black,” Cassius declared.
Asked if he had influenced the champion’s decision to move to New York, Malcolm X said, “He’s got a mind of his own.”
Asked if he thought Cassius would do any formal preaching, Mr. X said, “You don’t preach your philosophy, you live it.” Throughout the tour, Malcolm X did most of the talking on racial issues.

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