Wanda - Exposing the FRAUD!

1 year ago

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This package is intended to help us discover WHY we got where we are today, FRAUD and how to remedy the situation for our children's future.

First we must try to comprehend the depth and the length of time involved ; the "GAME" we're in.

Therefore, let's start at the beginning ; Citizen'ship' for some, and at "birth" for others. Maritime words are they not?

A MAXIM in Law, states the following:

- He who "CREATES" owns and Ignorance of the Law is no excuse

When we were "BORN" or "ARRIVED" in the CORPORATION of CANADA, we were converted from "living" men and women to "entities" through certificates, licenses, and passports, and words like person, individual, citizen, resident et al. When you look at any of the documents you have, you will notice that it's written in all capital letters, which represents a Corporate Fiction or FRAUD.

In Law this means; CAPITIS DIMINUTIO, defined as; (diminished capacity) and is used in ROMAN LAW, yes, Rome still exists! It refers to a man or woman's former status as a living being, and reduces us, depending on how the identification is written. Each form of writing represents a new CONTRACT, and is needed in order to do COMMERCE. Put bluntly, we are reduced from "living" to a "Dead entity or SLAVE" thus losing our LIBERTY. to FRAUD

Our mother's or father's were "NOT" given full disclosure of this fact when she signed for our "BIRTH CERTIFICATE" or when you recieved your "CITIZENship," the 1st instance of FRAUD put upon us all.

In this presentation you will be given the ways we've been decieved, the rules of their game, because they've only given us some of the rules, and how to use these rules to regain our rightful status as living men and women. With this TRUTH we will be able to Lawfully, and Peacefully, restore our good names and regain the DOMINION over the lands to which the Unalienable Rights are endowed us. So... Let's get started on this journey together.

A wise man once said "He who knows not, that he knows not, is asleep...WAKE HIM ; He who knows, that he knows not, is teachable...TEACH HIM ; He who knows, and knows, that he knows is wise...FOLLOW HIM." We will do just that, for many teachers have made this presentation possible.

Let's begin with HOW the pirates decieved our ancestors, through greed and malice.

"What to Now about Canada?"

This document tells us how the CORPORATION of CANADA Inc. set its roots upon our great land, and how these Individuals betrayed our trust, through lies, coercion, and greed to keep us as slaves, pilage the resources, impoverish men and women and ultimately...attempt to reduce us "USELESS EATERS". A term used at the WEF/World Economic Forum by Yuval Noah Harari, The Israeli Historian and darling of DAVOS.

"Canadian Inc. Parliamentary System"

This tells us in their own words that we are a CORPORATION whereby the CROWN, through FRAUD sits within the People's House. It shows us in their own definitions that the CORPORATION of CANADA is defined as the WATERS, the jurisdiction of pirates doing commerce on the seas. NO where, does it say the "Land," of WE the Men and Women. Pirates have no jurisdiction on the Land, so they had to convert the status of "men and Woman".

Pirates have no jurisdiction on the Land, so they had to convert the status of the people.

Proof of this can be found at Dun & Bradstreet, although recently removed through New CENSORship Laws. Thankfully they've been copied before and thus in poor quality. The Government of Canada, Government of British Columbia, and Revenue Canada are included. Regional Districts are corporations too. Their document shows that Public Input has all but been removed, as the United Nations takes over our towns, provinces and country as a whole. Further proof

can be found when doing an EDGAR Search at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, just type in Province/Territory of ______________________________________ and click on any of the many reports therein.

"Clearfield Doctrine"

This is a Supreme Court Ruling that states; "Governments have Descended to the level of mere Private Corporations" What does this mean for We the People?

It tells us that a Corporation "ACTing" as a Government, has no jurisdiction to TAX the People of the land, only those that have contracted and work for their corporation! In essence, it would be like CANADIAN TIRE taxing you, therefore, unlawful, illegal, and done in FRAUD! There is no statute of limitation on FRAUD.

In Law, FRAUD means; A knowing misrepresentation or knowing concealment of a material fact made to induce another to act in his or her detriment * esp. when the conduct is willful, it may be a CRIME. Black's Law 11th Edition, states 2 interesting Latin phrases;

1) Pirata est hostis humani generis, A pirate is an enemy of the Human race. ( It doesn't say anything about religious belief, color, sexuality, nationality et al..."The HUMAN RACE!" We'd best stick together then! )

2) Praetextu legis injusta agens duplo puniendus, He who under the cloak of the Law acts unjustly, should bear a double punishment. ( Woe unto you lawyers and judges, who under your cloaks have deceived with your OATHS and PRESUMPTIONS, in your Private BAR GUILD. Who wrote the rules of deceit for the game, given to the CORPORATION of CANADA, and the CORPORATIONS of the Provinces and Territories. There's a day coming for We the People's justice upon you )


The FRAUD continues with the BC Assessment Authority, a CORPORATION created by the CORPORATION of BRITISH COLUMBIA, whose sole purpose is to "Earn Profit," for the CORPORATION. 2024 being their 50th Anniversary. Coincidently, it was 50 years ago in 1974 when Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau sold We the People's bank to Foreign Bankers,confirming the validity of the Clearfield Doctrine, and plunging our great nation into unfathomable debt, borne on our shoulders, their "Human Resources." Boasting about how profitable is was. EXTORTING a record 1.04 Trillion in 2010, that was 14 years ago now! That would have given 6 million people in British Columbia 173K for every man woman and child. The theft is OFF the CHARTS!

Be heartened to know we now know...Consider this fact my dear brothers and sisters, "It's the CORPORATIONS debt, NOT OURS!"

Even the Cariboo Regional District wants in on the FRAUD stating ;

"We set the Property Tax Revenue" On their January 12, 2024 meeting, an Agenda item titled Development Proceedures and Fees Updated to Reflect the NEW LAWS; wherein the main change was REMOVING Public hearing requirements where they are prohibited under the "NEW LAWS."

WILLIAMS LAKE is a United Nations "Field Office" under GLOBAL Authority, De-Facto, in an Unlawful jurisdiction when it signed us on to their GLOBAL "15 Minute City" Initiative, taking them out of their PUBLIC,

De-Jure, Lawful jurisdiction through their Oath, Affirmation, Declaration,or Covenants, (We don't know what they've signed) They can't sit on 3 chairs; Public, Private, or Public/Private/Partnerships (PPP) WHERE do they sit?

We'd best find out! (in presentation 2)

The CORPORATION of BRITISH COLUMBIA, whose head office is in Hong Kong has created a NEW EMERGENCY and DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT

Documents from our neighbours in the south, the Thompson Nicola Regional District, outline grave concerns for where "Funding and Enforcement" is to come from. Their letters to the Corporation's un-Elected CEO Premier Eby states these

facts clearly, What about our CRD? I couldn't find any documented concerns. Included is a FACTSHEET; Definitions of Emergency Management, wherein there are some troubling definitions.


The People's Courts incorporated in 2008 and became the Corporate Courts no longer serving the People.

Littlechild M.P vs Citizens of Canada 1990

This case proves that our MP's do NOT have to account to their constituents, their OATH is to the CORPORATIONS, and "They must be given a right to carry out their duties without worry about being called to account during their term of office." THEY belong to the CORPORATION and we VOTE for them to Re-present us because we have "reduced capacity" through our names.

The 12 Presumptions of Court

Unless openly rebuked and rejected, their Law speaks for us. ( NO MORE! We reject their Laws for they are not OURS!)

10 Points of contract Law

We have been contracted after all, FRAUDULENTLY

These 10 points show us WHO has the Lawful and Legal rights in their system. SO...let's exercise those rights!!!



Now that we know some history about our situation and we know HOW it happened, by FRAUD, and WHO abused our TRUST, let's now see how the United Nations, WEF/World Economic Forum, WHO/World Health Org. and other NGO's/Non-Governmental Organizations are involved in this CONSPIRACY for a "NEW WORLD ORDER." Through the combination of PUBLIC / PRIVATE / PARTNERSHIPS (PPP)

We know now that it began some 150 years ago with the BNA ACT of 1867 and has continued to this day. PEACE, ORDER, and GOOD GOVERNANCE is what "WE the PEOPLE" intend to leave to our children!

In 2004 many of the powers of the Municipalities and Villages were removed from the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT and incorporated into the COMMUNITY CHARTER.The De-Jure and Lawful office of the Mayor and Councillors where they swear their "OATH" of Public Office lawfully, and therefore have jurisdiction to collect taxes or charge us directly. However, our leaders are no longer functioning for the Public and are serving as International GLOBAL entities, given the title of GLOBAL MAYOR or HEAD of COUNCIL. In this position they swear a "Declaration of Office" thereby no longer working for their community, they're now working for the United Nations as a UN City State. This puts our Mayors and Councillors in a De-Facto and UnLawful office, without the authority to collect taxes.

* Williams Lake is a 15 min. City...which is a GLOBAL entity *

Moving on...in 1992 at the RIO SUMMIT, the CEO's of many countries signed into the United Nations Agenda 21, the CORPORATION of CANADA through the signature of Brian Mulroney did likewise. With the stroke of "HIS" pen CANADA became a United Nations Post Nation State and we were committed through FRAUD to the "UN Stainable Goals to STOP Climate Change.

In January of 2011 through CTV News, Canada's Intelligence Officer, CSIS Director Richard Fadden warned of Foreign Countries Infiltrating CANADA, and was quoted saying, " These clandestine efforts by Foreign Governments (NGO's) to influence our officials, policies, and communities, have the potential to undermine our ability to make independent decisions in CANADA's National Interests" going on to say "CSIS has suspicions about a number of Municipal Politicians in BC."

* Remember BC is registered in Hong Kong? *

There are documents to confirm these FACTS:

1) AGENDA 21 PLANNING GUIDE went to every local area

2) the UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS went WORLDWIDE (the rainbow circle we see everywhere)




With all this happening...Where does our Mayor sit? Public, Private, PPP?

- What has our Mayor and Councillors signed? OATHS, COVENANTS, AFFIRMATIONS? We need to know.

- How is it that with the stroke of a pen only the MAYOR and CAO (Chief Administration Officer) commit our community to various agendas, and expensive infrastructure projects, to which We, the taxpayer are responsible for, Un-Lawfully

- Does the Mayor realize that "HE" would be left "Holding the personal liability for the FRAUD?" I would think not! Our Mayors are our neighbours, the councillors our friends.

- Did they have agendas thrust upon them before getting used to their new positions, or having had time to consider the repercussions of their decisions? We need to find out.

BECAUSE... NOTHING could have or CAN be implimented in our communities without our local governments have been usurped by the NGO'S and PPP's. (Like Bodily Autonomy in 2020)


Enforces on the population of the world the following;

-"You will own Nothing and be Happy"

- CBDC/ Central Bank Digital Currency/ Cashless Society They've owned our bank since Trudeau Sr. signed it away in 1974

- Digital Identity Passports like China has already

- NO woodburning stoves, gas or oil heating ELECTRIC ONLY

- Limited meat and dairy (if at all) Westwold farmers had their water shut off in 2023, despite that it came from aquifers that metered in the normal range

. "EAT the BUGS" I say "YOU FIRST!"

- SOGI / Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Program in our schools without parental consent. Furthermore, the United Nations wants the age of consent lowered to 12 years old and Pedophiles called Minor Attracted Persons. No Way!!!!!!

- Their 30 x 30 AGENDA where 30% of all lands with be OFF LIMITS to humans, the humans will be living in "Human Settlements" not my words, it's their words and not sounding at all appealing. WHY?

"CLIMATE CHANGE" (being implemented with BILL 31 in BC)


Put simply...if WE are to maintain OUR Freedoms, Property Rights and Liberty to choose HOW and WHERE we wish to live, leaving those same freedoms to our future generations, then WE MUST talk about these revelations, and uncomfortable truths. In doing so we can make well informed decisions, with FULL TRANSPARENCY, INFORMED CONSENT, and in a Lawful jurisdiction.

Many decisions are already underway without our consent as we have already been Un-Lawfully Contracted. Who


There is no other path.

It is our destiny, and if we don’t take action we will be diluted out from ever again being able to take this course of action that will make us the free

Organzie a Local Meeting - We have so many men and women looking to connect!

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