This message is for the world, Courtesy of the WEF 🖕

1 year ago

This message is for the world.

In 2024, there again will be an unprecedented amount of wildfires as well as devastating weather related events worldwide.

But for the sake of going into too many different directions, I will stick with just “wildfires”.

The World Economic Forum declared in this video that 1 that BILLION people will be “displaced” by “Climate Change”.

The United Nations very own Report states that the number of extreme wildfire events will increase up to 14% by 2030 By 2050, the increase will climb to 30%.

I’ve been studying these “wildfires” the last several years, especially last year, and from what I can tell, there is a massive coordinated effort to start these fires and they are masqueraded around as the proof that climate change is happening.

• We proved the Canadian fires were largely started by arsonists
• We proved that something unnatural Occured in Maui

They are starting these wildfires to justify the measures they want to take.

The Climate Change Agenda is a HOAX! It has nothing to do with the climate. It’s about total control and the mass displacement of people.

Get ready… because it’s already begun.

Keep bringing awareness to this.

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