Lost Memories, Resilient Bodies

1 year ago

Welcome to the 17th day of the 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge!

Today’s challenge is to remember what your body knows.

We often think of memory as something that exists only in our minds, but memory is stored throughout our bodies. This is why we can sometimes “feel” a memory in our bodies – we are feeling the physical sensation that is stored in our muscles, bones, and cells.

When our minds are preoccupied with the busyness of everyday life, we can forget what our bodies know. But when we take the time to connect with our bodies, we can access the wisdom that is stored there.

Today’s challenge is to spend 1 hour and 30 minutes connecting with your body. You can do this by simply sitting or lying down in a comfortable position and focusing on your breath. As you breathe, pay attention to the sensation of your breath moving in and out of your body.

Allow any sensations that come up to be. Allow any emotions that come up to flow. Listen to the sounds of the Chiron Gong and keep coming back to your breath. At any time, if emotions or sensations are to much, stop this challenge and journal your thoughts and feelings.
What is the 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge?

The 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge is a 30-day program of self-exploration and transformation through the practice of Chiron Gong. Chiron Gong is known as the wound healer. Its vibrations are known to heal trauma and release stuck energy. This blend of sound healing, meditation and energy work helps participants to bring about positive changes in their life.

The challenge starts with minimal commitment where you commit to five minutes a day of connecting with your body. This practice gradually builds up in the later stages to give your body and mind the opportunity to open and explore the depths of your being.

After the challenge period has finished, you will be free to resume your regular practice or deepen your practice through the continuation of the 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge. This will be a great opportunity to learn, grow and create a solid foundation for yourself to make long-lasting changes.


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