The Opportunity in “Negative” Emotions

1 year ago

February 18 - The Opportunity in “Negative” Emotions
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Today, let us see our “negative” emotions as sign posts that are showing us where there is an opportunity to make a U-turn on our journey. Imagine we are driving in a car. We become lost and confused, not understanding if we are headed in the right or wrong direction. Would we not be grateful to see a sign that helps us figure out where we are? Regardless of whether we had to turn around or not, would we not be grateful for the clarity that it provided us? This is what negative emotions are here to show us — that we are headed in a direction that is not in alignment with our true loving nature or destination. They are showing us where we can turn around if we choose to, and that there is a better way to reach our true destination, the state of peace.

Today, when a negative emotion enters our mind’s door, let us no longer put ourselves down for simply being human. Instead, let us see such situations as opportunities that are showing us which areas in our lives we no longer want or need to travel. Now, with the gift of time, we can look back and see the wisdom and life lessons that our negative emotions have provided us. God is love and all. Thus every step along our sacred path is helpful and serves a higher purpose. With this knowledge in hand, we leave the ego’s judgment-centered mindset behind and once again align with the Mind of God. Today, when a negative emotion pops up, we offer it our gratitude, understanding that it is offering us a way out of the darkness and back into alignment with the light.
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