Forgiving Your Self

7 months ago

February 17 - Forgiving Your Self
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Today, the call for forgiving oneself has been trumpeted throughout the land. Allow your heart to hear it, your mind to meld with it, and your soul to sense it. You are continually growing, yet always, in the now, at your highest peak of development. When any event occurred, you made the best decision possible with the tools and knowledge that you had available to you at the time. Because you did the best you could with the tools and knowledge that you had, compassion and understanding, not condemnation and guilt, should be your response to yourself. Would an all-knowing God not give you every single tool you need to face your challenges? Today, place your trust in God’s love above the ego’s judgments, and see your journey, not through the ego’s past programs, but through the eternal — through God’s eyes.

Today, our main goal is to practice non-judgment toward ourselves. The ego has programmed us to be self-critical and judge ourselves anytime that our life does not seem to be going the way the ego thinks it should. Remember, judgment is the ego’s fuel source, not ours. Today, each time a self-judgmental thought enters your mind, as quickly as possible, practice stopping it in its tracks. When you stop it, you also stop fueling it. When it has no more fuel, it begins to wither away. You starve it of its fuel source by placing your whole focus on knowing that God only creates perfectly, and has co-created your journey with you. Your actions, no matter how judgmental your ego has programmed you to be of them, are part of this perfect co-creation that, all together, will awaken you to the truth within.
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