Pantry Soup

1 year ago

Having a little fun today, challenged myself to make a soup out of what I had on hand. I call it Pantry Soup (my mother would have called it ‘clean out the fridge soup’). I will often grab leftovers after the second day and freeze them to use later. I highly recommend it! I’ve saved myself a few times having something on hand ready to go.

Pantry Soup
Leftover chopped chicken
Frozen mixed veggies
Brown rice (you can use leftover rice too)
Knorr chicken bouillon
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Salt & pepper

Place chicken, rice, 8 cups water, and seasonings into a pot over high heat. Bring to a boil , then simmer for 20m or until rice is soft, then add the veggies. Simmer until veggies are as soft as you’d like. Enjoy!

#usingleftovers #pantrysoup #useitallup #homemade

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