Human Hero Saves Kitten Stuck In A Pipe

7 years ago

We can all use a little help from time to time. Whether it is with shoveling the driveway or maybe bringing the groceries to the house. Sometimes we just need some help with getting through a tough day. For some of us it might even be our daily commute and getting a ride to or from work.

In some cases, some help can even be life saving and also very greatly appreciated. Here we have a tiny kitty that has wondered into a pipe of some very kind persons home. This little kitten is very hopeless and scared as this is probably the first time finding it self in this kind of situation.

This kitten has for some reason thought that it is a good idea to go down a long, dark and narrow pipe. As it made its way down it soon realized that it was never a good idea. Although she was lucky since this very caring human was around to hear its yell for help. It look like its not alone, since its sibling is waiting for it at the entrance to the pipe. They are both very happy and thankful once they are reunited.

Take a look as this guy quickly figures out a clever way of how to approach the cat and help it get out of the deep pipe. Leading by example! What an incredible moment. Credit to 'Robin Seplut'.

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