3 Minutes of PURE Lethal Company HORROR!

1 year ago

Lethal Company is a fantastically funny and terrifying game to experience! I have loved every moment of playing with friends, family, randoms. Streaming it, recording it and just playing it for fun! I highly recommend the game as you have some of the most memorable experiences. This highlights a clip from my stream where Brutal Company mods the game to have Jesters outside the box AND more monsters, making Titan more scary than ever!!!

Game Name:
Lethal Company

Mod List:
LC_API by 2018, BepInExPack by BepInEx, BiggerLobby by bizzlemip, LateCompany by anormaltwig, Skinwalkers by RugbugRedfern, Mimics by x753, Brutal_Company_Plus by Nips, BrutalCompanyAdditions by Sculas, More_Emotes by Sligili, HDLethalCompany by Sligili

#lethalcompany #horror #scp #lethalcompanygame #lethalcompanygameplay #livestream #clip #highlight #jester #starstalker28

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