What is Pleomorphism?

1 year ago

The original article was written By Dennis Myers of https://www.life-enthusiast.com/.

Pleomorphism is the key to understanding where 'infections' come from and where they go when 'cured'.

Microorganisms tend to set up their housekeeping in the compartments of the body which are the most acid, the most oxidized and the most polluted with toxic metals. This is rotting pure and simple, from the inside out. You don't 'catch' these germs.

Enderlein was right, Pasteur was wrong.

These compartments are fortresses in the body where the body's own immune cells are also incapacitated so anaerobic bacteria, (germs that grow without oxygen) viruses and fungi multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way. They just 'change form' is all, which is what pleomorphism is.

The microorganisms being found in the Chronic Degenerative Diseases are PLEOMORPHIC in nature. They change (Pleo) form (morph). If the condition worsens, viruses change into bacteria which can change into the fungi that consume the corpse. This is pleomorphism.

They change first into:

viruses which can change into
bacteria which can change into
Of course, these compartments have reduced blood supply so they need more oxygen (exercise, deep breathing) and nutrients (nutrition). So you don't treat the body as having a cold, a flu, or a headache...no, you treat teh body as a vessel that needs a good clean up.

You treat the whole body by watching these aspects that cause dis-ease:

ACID/BASE/pH imbalance is metabolic acidosis which leads to dis-ease, needs adequate water, exercise, diet, baking soda, lemon.
OXIDATION/REDUCTION STATUS or how rusty you are/antioxidants needs adequate nutrients.
TOXIC METAL RESIDUES like pesticides, prescription drugs & elimination of mercury require chelation.
MICROORGANISMS living in a highly inflammatory body seem to 'cause" or contribute to chronic infection. Microorganisms are very much needed for good health, just make sure you're feeding the bacteria you want to thrive!
An alkaline diet, minerals, water & plant fats with have positive effects on pleomorphism;)

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