Do We REALLY "Catch" the Flu?

11 months ago

Do We REALLY "Catch" the Flu?

If you look at the way our "flu season" society is built, you'll begin to realize how false this idea of catching the flu, or a cold really is.

The mere fact that you may "catch the flu" while the person next to you went all year without getting sick, is proof enough that "catching" something has more to do with YOUR body's state of health or homeostasis, than it does with the bug you seemed to have caught.

Firstly, during this season we tend to lower our water intake, which has a direct result on our metabolism & the acidity of our body.

Higher Acidity = Less Detoxification Ability = Higher Frequency of Disease

The enzymes in each & every cell only function at an exact pH. Enzymes are the "tradesmen" in the body, they take things apart & put things together.

If there's a virus or bacteria that enters your body & your enzymes cannot function at a high level to increase your immune system, surely the result is a sickness.

Second; with less fresh air, less vitamin D & lowered activity levels we're setting ourselves up for stagnant lymph systems. The lymph system is the garbage disposal system & it needs our help to keep the body clean.

It needs movement to cleanse, hydration, sweating & deep breathing.

And to make matters worse, during the flu season, we are usually eating more food since we're stuck indoors. Especially in the Northern Hemispheres where holidays prompt us to overeat, then lay around & spend time with the family.

Lastly, no matter what your opinion is on vaccinations...Pro or Con, you simply cannot innoculate entire populations of people without having a biological & psychological effect on society as a whole.

If everytime you turn around someone is either "catching the flu" or getting a flu vaccination, you're psyche is focused on sickness multiple times a day.

And since we know THOUGHTS-CREATE-THINGS...what are you creating with those thoughts or worse yet...fears?

Staying alkaline is the optimal choice during the "catch the flu" season. With a high pH & lots of water, you're likely to breeze through it without a problem.

Check out our video on Pleomorphism, to learn more about this subject:

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