We must unite!!! Why?

1 year ago

As the Creative Society project president, I state with full responsibility - we do not seek politics, power, or competition with anyone. We will support anyone who knows how to save the planet and our children. Yes, we dream of a Creative Society. If the Creative Society already existed, we would not face the problem we do today - the problem of survival due to climate threat.
But as long as we live in a consumer format, as long as a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar are more important to us than the lives of children, we cannot avoid a global catastrophe. We fail to understand that the fact that other people's children died from disasters yesterday means that ours will die tomorrow. And this is the tragedy - we all share. As long as other people's children are strangers to us, nothing will change. Nothing will change until we realize that all children are ours and we are one human family. And this understanding is what we want from you if you are indeed a genuine parent.

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