Organic MSM can be enjoyed by your pets too!

7 months ago

#Furbabies #OrganicSupplements #MiracleProducts #MSMforPets

Pet owners that provide MSM for their horses, dogs and cats all swear by it. You got to understand that MSM is a biologically active sulfur and every living creature requires it. So pretty much all the benefits that humans can enjoy from supplementing with MSM can be enjoyed by your pets, too. Stay tuned.

So animals age, just like us, right? They're not immune to it. We watch it happen to them over the years because they do it faster than we do. So just like us, they can get arthritis, that bone and joint pain and they stop being as flexible and they're not as happy and jumping around, swimming, playing, all that sort of stuff. They also lose the luster in their fur and their eyes. Their gums can age, everything. Everything that we go through, they go through. That cell permeability begins to sort of stiffen as well. And that doesn't allow their bodies to really transfer oxygen really well anymore. And just anything and everything, like I said, that we get our animals get, too. So in saying that, when you start administering MSM to animals, you're going to start seeing the same kind of results that you get when you take it.

So all of a sudden the skin and the eyes start to brighten up. That's one of the first things you see. Sorry, not the skin, but the fur and their eyes, which means that of course their skin is looking better, so they're getting more collagen and keratin development because of the MSM. Obviously, they start playing a lot more. They start feeling really good, they can move better. The pain is gone is dissipating and it just really makes a massive difference. I personally use it with my sausage dog, because I like to make sure that he's not going to have back pain in the future. He's a very, very active dog and loves to swim and loves to chase balls. And so I don't want him to have back pain, which is what they're prone to. And other dogs have hip pain and just all kinds of stuff.

I was introduced to MSM back when I was a cowgirl, and had to administer it to my arthritic horse. And she had such phenomenal results. That's when I started giving it to my dogs and then my cats. And then eventually, I was like, "Why don't I just take this?" And started taking it myself at a very young age and always have throughout my life, because it's just been such a great preventative of a joint stiffness and pain. And of course, great hair and nails and eyes and all that stuff. So one of our customers runs a dog kennel and there's a bit of a side benefit, which we were surprised. Because she reports that all of the issues of fleas and ticks are no longer an issue ever since she began adding MSM to their drinking water. So that's a pretty awesome little side benefit as well.

Three things you should know when you're giving your fur babies MSM is that it does help increase detoxification. Okay? So if you're just starting to administer it, take it slow, step it up little by little. Okay? Don't give a full dose straight away. I personally, all I do is grab a pinch of MSM and toss it in my dog's a wet meat, his raw meat. And then I just mix it in a little bit. So he just gets a little bit every single day. So I know he's always getting that back into his diet because it is something that is easily taken out of the diet through processing and all that sort of thing. So start slowly, as they might get potentially diarrhea or even vomiting from detoxification effects. Also makes sure that you've got a high-quality MSM. Okay? Very high quality.

If you haven't seen our video on MSM, Five Reasons Why it's a Miracle Product and One Hidden Danger, make sure to check that out because that will tell you about the quality importance. Okay? And then the last thing, of course, is that you want to make sure that you are following the advice that you can find about the amount of MSM that you do want to get them up to. Okay? So the recommended dosage for dogs is about 1/4th a teaspoon per 10 kilograms of body weight. So just keep that in mind. Have a little look around online to see if you, when you're giving it to horses and cattle, and that kind of larger animal, you're probably safe to go obviously a bit more on that. But if you just follow that recommended dosage for dogs, then you'd probably be pretty safe when you're giving it to your horses.

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