What is Borax and Why is It Important to Your Health?

1 year ago

#Borax #MiracleProducts #BoraxPowder


Sodium tetraborate, or borax for short, is used as a herbal remedy in traditional Chinese medicine and also in Ayurveda and is an important but neglected mineral for your health.

It naturally occurs in soils that contain organic matter and in the foods grown in those soils, unfortunately, insecticides and herbicides often used kill the organic matter in soil.

Borax mineral is commonly mined from dried salt lakes, and is the source of other manufactured boron compounds. The main deposits are in California and Turkey.

We ONLY use the purest sources from Turkey.

You may be more familiar with it as a cleaning agent or an ingredient in detergents but Boron is a very significant trace mineral because it affects a vast range of life processes. Your body needs boron to maintain proper mineral balance, regulate hormones, metabolise vitamin D, heal wounds and grow strong bones.

Boron also has anti-inflammatory effects that can help alleviate arthritis and improve brain function and has demonstrated such significant anticancer effects that boron compounds are now being used in the treatment of several types of cancer.

#1 Osteoporosis
"Boron deficiency causes greatly increased amounts of calcium and magnesium to be lost with the urine. A borax supplement will reduce the daily loss of calcium by nearly 50%. As this calcium comes mainly from resorbed bone and teeth, boron deficiency may be the most important factor in causing osteoporosis and tooth decay." -Walter Last

#2 Arthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Boron is a successful treatment option for arthritis and in more than 95% of cases, significant improvement was noticed by effectively increasing calcium integration into the cartilage and bone.

#3 Sex Hormones
For both men and women boron can correct the hormone levels in our systems. Women are successfully taking boron to raise hormone levels naturally – with no nasty HRT side-effects! As men age their body can decrease production of testosterone resulting in muscle wasting; boron replenishes testosterone production.

Enhances Testosterone Levels

Boron is able to enhance the testosterone level in males; this quality is increasingly taken advantage of by male bodybuilders and athletes. Although some weight lifters prefer to take its supplements to enhance their testosterone levels, there has been no concrete evidence or explanation of the mechanism by which it helps to make them any more successful.

It has been reported that a quarter of a teaspoon of borax added to one quart of drinking water sipped throughout the course of a day while taking magnesium supplements can reverse male impotency. This can be attributed to many effects of borax on the human body. Borax stabilises calcium and magnesium in the blood. It stimulates hormone production. Toxic states of hyper fluoride accumulation, internal fungal growth and dangerous microbe production are normalised by borax consumption.

Used for Body Building:Boron is able to enhance the testosterone levels in males; this quality is increasingly taken advantage of by male body builders and athletes.

Solves Menstrual Problems, Womb Inflammation, Urinary Infections & Female Libido

Boron helps ease menstrual problems in women. Ayurvedic research has found that it helps with maintenance of normal uterine and menstrual function. This makes it beneficial to women with dysmenorrhoea or amenorrhoea, commonly referred to as irregular or absent periods.

It acts by clearing obstructions in the body, it alleviates kapha and vata thus bringing balance to your system. Studies have evaluated its use along with other herbs to help treat Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS and found it to be effective. Boron can also cure the symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats that are typically associated with menopause, clotted menstruation, painful menstruation, and it ensures that the mineral level remains at appropriate levels since post-menopausal women often suffer from hormonal imbalances that can skew many of the body’s most important systems.

Women suffering from womb inflammation are recommended to soak in lukewarm bathwater with borax twice a day. If women displayed profuse, egg-white-like discharge or leucorrhea, they were told to douche with borax and lukewarm water solution three to four times per day. Other symptoms that can be alleviated by borax and water exposure include painful sexual intercourse, blood-streaked vaginal discharge, abdominal distention and false signs of pregnancy.

#4 Natural Fungicide
Boron is an excellent fungicide, it can prevent and treat candida (thrush) and other fungi problems within the body. Yeast fungus is also a contributing factor for hot flashes and night sweats.

#5 Cancer & Other Uses
Boron "neutron capture agents" are used for cancer therapy and in the development of strong enzyme inhibitors.

Boric Acid is NOT the same as Borax.

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