Confronting Andrew Tate In Romania! | Day in the life | unanswered questions revealed

1 year ago

Intro 0:00
3:20 Dinner with Andrew and Tristan Tate
5:45 Ahmad Meeting Andrew Tate
5:59 Ahmad gives Andrew Tate a Gift
6:33 How Often does Andrew Tate Train
8:33 House Tour of the Andrew and Tristan Tates Mansion
9:47 Andrew Tates Initial Reaction when the Police Came!
10:46 What Does Ahmad do for a Living!
11:50 Did Dillion Danis actually send Andrew Tate the Picture of Logan Paul’s Fiancé
12:20 Andrew on why you should Never Talk to Cops
14:27 Andrew Tates Favorite Car
18:13 What is Andrew Tates Daily Routine
18:50 Why Andrew Yates Has the Best Brand on the Internet
21:20 Sparring Session with Andrew Tate
23:57 Post Sparring Session
24:28 Andrew Tate Boxing Lesson
28:04 Ahmad gives Tristan Tate a Special Gift
29:02 Post-Fight Interview
29:40 Andrew Tate IQ Test
31:56 Why does Andrew Tate always do His Hand Gesture
32:12 What does Andrew Tate know about Prophet Muhammad
33:25 If Andrew Tate could Sit with Any 5 People Alive or Dead who would he Choose
36:18 Will Andrew Tate Ever Retire
36:52 Andrew Tates New Bugattis
37:20 Ahmad Reviews the Tates Cars
39:00 Outro

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