Absolutely BRUTAL Moments of Komodo Dragons Eating Everything in Sight | Pet Spot

1 year ago

Absolutely BRUTAL Moments of Komodo Dragons Eating Everything in Sight | Pet Spot

There is a long-standing debate between evolutionists and creationists about the existence of dragons at a point in time in human history. We cannot say for sure if fire breathers existed, but we can confirm that the Komodo dragon is a beast to behold. Although they do not breathe fire, Komodo dragons have a venomous bite that will fall any animal in their path. What is the maximum bite force of a Komodo Dragon? Where are these creatures found? All your questions about the dragon will be answered as we have compiled absolutely brutal moments of Komodo dragons eating everything in sight.

Komodo dragons are a lizard species native to five Indonesian islands, including Rintja, Flores, and the island of Komodo. They are the largest living lizard in the world, with a fearsome reputation in the lands they rule over. Komodo dragons can grow up to ten feet in length, from snout to tail, with an adult weighing around 154 pounds on average. Monster-sized Komodo dragons weighing 297 pounds have also been recorded. The records show that well-fed komodo lizards can exceed the average size of their species by over a hundred pounds. This physically imposing beast is a ferocious killer attacking any animal unfortunate enough to cross its path.

In this clip, we observe two komodo dragons doing what they do best, killing their prey in the most horrifying ways possible. A deer falls victim to the predator’s venomous bite and is immobilized by the toxins coursing through its veins. One of the dragons goes for the right hind leg of the deer and begins tearing the prey's flesh into bite-sized chunks. The deer bleats and attempts to get away from the ravenous creatures, but its legs buckle, unable to carry its weight. The prey is at the mercy of two ruthless creatures. The dragons continue to rip away the flesh of the unlucky deer, breaking through the skin that keeps the deer’s entrails in place. At this point, the deer collapses from blood loss, shock, and venom from the dragons’ bites. The other komodo joins in on the feast. It pulls off a large piece of the prey’s intestines and runs off as the two dragons fight over it.

Komodo dragons are properly equipped predators with a vast arsenal of offensive adaptations. Some might say they are too equipped. They have a wide array of weapons at their disposal, making them one of the most ferocious beasts in the wild. As the apex predator of their domain, these lizards fear no animal. They roam the islands of Indonesia with complete confidence. The only animal that can deal significant damage to them is another komodo dragon. They possess sharp claws, shark-like teeth, powerful legs, and a venomous bite that is capable of taking down an adult human in a matter of hours. Their claws serve a variety of functions throughout their lifespan. Young predators use their powerful claws to climb trees, and as they mature, the claw is used solely for catching prey. Also, komodos have the ability to stand on their hind legs to capture hard-to-reach prey. They are typically diurnal hunters, which means they mostly hunt during the day.

Here, a komodo is maiming and ripping apart a pregnant deer's midsection flesh. The vicious predator tears open its prey’s stomach, exposing semi-digested food. The dragon proceeds to pull out the fetus from its mother. In a hard-to-watch moment, the aggressor swallows the fidgeting fetus whole. It returns to the mother and proceeds to consume the contents of the deer’s belly. Through this gut-wrenching experience, the deer remains alive, bleating softly. There are some movements from the unfortunate prey, but they were inconsequential to changing its fate. The dragon drags the deer back while trying to pull apart its victim's innards, a truly terrifying scene to witness.

The typical hunting strategy for the biggest lizard in the world relies on stealth and power. They are very patient creatures, willing to wait for hours on a game trail. They wait for a big creature to walk along the path. Then, they launch their attack.

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