DEADLIEST Storm in South Africa. More than 250,000 People Affected in Thailand and the Philippines

1 year ago


This is Breaking News on Creative Society TV.

Why is the world's media silent about the scale of climate threats?
Who conceals the truth from people about the real causes of global climate change, and why?

On April 12th, 2022 torrential rains caused severe flooding in the Republic of South Africa.
Unfortunately, devastating floods and landslides killed over 250 people. There are missing people. Thousands of homes and hundreds of buildings have been damaged.
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the local community: "This disaster is part of climate change. We can no longer postpone what we need to do… to deal with climate change..."

Climate disasters, weather records and human tragedies are recounted by eyewitnesses and breaking news reporters in this episode.

In early April 2022, many regions of the planet experienced record-breaking heat waves. At the same time, other regions of the planet suffered catastrophic floods and storms: in southern Thailand, heavy rains caused flash floods. More than 108,000 people were affected by the natural disaster.

On April 5th in Spain, the port city of Melilla was hit by the most powerful storm in the last 37 years. Wind speeds reached 70 kilometers per hour. A yellow alert level was declared.

On April 6th in Mexico and South Texas, USA, there was extreme heat: temperatures exceeded 43 degrees Celsius.

On April 7th, an exceptional heat wave was observed in Central Asia: in some regions of China and Tajikistan the temperature reached +35°C.

On the same day, heavy rains came to Australia. The most affected was the city of Sydney. Fortunately, there was no information about the casualties. About 1,600 residents were evacuated.

Meanwhile, in Southern Kurdistan, Iraq, there was a dust storm. Dozens of victims were hospitalized.

On April 10th, 2022, storm MEGI struck the Philippine coast, affecting over 136,000 people. Sadly, dozens of people were killed, and there are missing people. More than 29,000 people were evacuated.
On the same day, the April snowfall affected Vancouver Island in Canada. More than 30,000 residents were left without electricity.

On April 11th, temperature anomalies hit East Asia. In North Korea and Japan, temperatures rose to +31°C.

On the same day, a powerful storm cyclone hit the state of Arkansas, USA. It brought heavy thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, hail and about ten tornadoes. A state of emergency has been declared.

At this time, Portland, Oregon, USA, received its first heavy April snowfall in 120 years. Ice and fallen trees made the situation on the roads worse: some highways were closed.

Meanwhile, on the night of April 11thl, a major storm hit Sichuan Province, China. There are casualties. Heavy rains caused flooding.

Within a short period of time, a huge number of natural disasters occur: unprecedented floods and landslides, unprecedented temperature records, abnormal snowfalls, powerful storms and hurricanes.

All these climatic changes are the result of processes occurring in the bowels of the earth and are caused by enormous energy from outer space.

Right now we are on the brink of a disaster!

We inform everyone about the only way out of this situation – to build the Creative Society. Because only with the consolidation of all people on the planet can we find a solution to any problem. Now the future of civilization depends on every one of us.

You will discover answers to all the questions that concern every person's life at the international online forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" on May 7th, 2022.

We kindly invite you to participate in this historic event and tell everyone you know about it.

GLOBAL CRISIS. WE ARE PEOPLE. WE WANT TO LIVE | International Online Forum | May 7th, 2022

Official website of the Creative Society project:

GLOBAL CRISIS. TIME FOR THE TRUTH | International Online Conference | December 4th, 2021

#heatwaveAsia #stormChina #floodingSouthAfrica #KZNflood #snowfallOregon #CreativeSociety

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