Illegal Eviction Caught on Camera - Iryn Yin Shuen Tan

8 months ago

Iryn Yin Shuen Tan, a current PwC Australia employee, attempts to Illegally evict me from my home in Wolli Creek, NSW. She created a false police report in attempt to misuse police resources to have them evict me, and when that failed she brought 6 thugs into the apartment to strong-arm me. Iryn Yin Shuen Tan is a villain and a menace to Australia.

part 1:
part 2:

Iryn Yin Shuen Tan was born and raised in Kedah, a state which is known as “the rice bowl” of Malaysia. Like other international students, she came to Australia to pursue her tertiary studies after finishing her Malaysian A-Level in 2019.

She graduated from University of Wollongong with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy, and is currently working as an auditor in Sydney. She enjoys traveling, bouldering and knitting during her free time and also loves trying new things.

Controlling others brings warmth and happiness to Iryn, which was what brought her to lie to the police. She is also passionate about sharing the unique Malaysian culture with more people, which she considers to be bad mouthing to others instead of dealing with people respectfully.

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