Why News Channels Still Talk About Weather Despite Smartphone Accessibility

1 year ago

Why does the news talk about weather for 3 minutes when you can get that info from your phone in 3 seconds? And in some cases, they talk about the weather 2 or 3 times in a 30-minute segment. So, why do they still do it? Well, there is a good reason for it. These stations make more money the more viewers they have. And although weather is something that you can easily get from your phone… It’s still something that appeals to everyone. Literally everyone. And it is something that you may check daily as it can change, and in some cases drastically, over the previous day. So, think of “weather” as content that keeps people engaged. It keeps them watching the 30-minute episode as they don’t always know when it will appear. And the longer people stay engaged the more money they make off advertising. It’s the same way that Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social networks reward you if your content keeps people on their platform longer. So whenever you are creating content, think about what will keep users engaged. If you have a great hook, you may keep people for a few minutes, but if you have a great hook and engaging content people may consume the whole thing.

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