ELON MUSK PSYOP EXPOSED! - Fake Truthers Promoting King Of Technocracy - Brainchips & Carbon Taxes

1 year ago

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the Elon Musk psyop which has managed to create a cult of so-called "truthers" and "freedom lovers" bowing at the feet of a technocrat. Elon Musk has called for carbon taxes, guaranteed basic income, making Twitter/X (a social media company) into a global digital bank which is the perfect storm for a carbon and social credit system rollout. Elon Musk is putting chips in people's brains under the guise of healing the sick while in reality connecting the human brain and its thoughts to a vast 5G network with satellites, digital bank accounts, social media, self driving cars and government surveillance. He's got Pentagon contracts, robots, self driving cars that can drive you to the gulag with bullet proof windows that you can't even shoot yourself out of. He supported injections, comparing them to "epi-pens." He echoes the agenda of the United Nations and The World Economic Forum daily. His grandfather created the Technate party, a political party promoting a global technocratic government. He says he's just following in the footsteps of his grandfather. Yet, THIS is the guy people see as an anti-establishment hero. The "Mainstream Alternative Media" (MAM) bows to this obvious limited hangout psyop because he occasionally trolls people online and gave them a "free speech" platform that continues to ban people for "hate speech" and has a WEF CEO who goes to congress asking for digital ID verification on social media. In what reality can such a character be seen as "anti-establishment?" In this video, we do a comprehensive 47 minute breakdown of the truth behind the psyop and how it connects to the global agenda.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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