Accurate insights from Charles Manson

1 year ago

The Balfour Declaration 1917 - a letter from Lord Arthur Balfour to Walter Rothschild giving the nod for the creation of the State of Israel. The SAME YEAR as the Zionist Communist Bolsheviks invaded Russia and massacred the Romanov family and millions of innocent peasants and the introduction of targeted famine and Kulags (concentration camps).

The 1933 the start of the Birth Certificate scam that created Cestui Que Vie Trusts, making us "Bonded Slaves" (not long after the deliberate GREAT DEPRESSION of 1929. The Birth Certificates were started to make us "Chattel" so making our labour ...collateral. The SAME YEAR Hitler's Nazi Party gained power in Germany, a man whose father was a Rothschild. The Nazis "should" have won WW2, but they didn't, this is why the Vatican Bank was formed midway through WW2 and started funded BOTH sides. The holocaust was an embellishment as the Nazis also had "Concentration Camps" it a coincidence that the Bosheviks who were Khazarian FALSE Jews were also the Nazis, given that the Khazarians largely relocated to the Rheinland of western europe many years before WW2, where the Bauer family changed their name (again) to Rothschild near Frankfurt. The Khazarian false jews in western Europe then rebranded to Ashkenazi Jews AshkeNAZI...Is this why senior Nazis has "Jew'ish" ancestry that they kept hidden, like Prescott Bush aka Prescott Scherff, and the father of Klaud Schwab also a senior Nazi, and so many more. It was a young George Soros who at the age of 14 stole from the pockets of discarded Jews at Auschwitz, the same Khazarian Ashkenazi False Jew who begged to be hidden only to report the families who hid him to the Nazis, a man who later joined the Nazi party in his youth.

The Nuremberg Trials were pantomime as 1600 were saved from execution and imported into the USA and given good jobs in NASA and other agencies where medical experimentation simply continued on US soil. Canada had over 2000 Nazis come to them by all accounts, and some fled to South America. The real Jews, Hebrew Jews were treated like crap by the Nazis (Khazarian Ashkenazi False Jews) and the Khazarian Ashkenazi mockingbird media spun the holocaust hoax of 6 million jews, the same number repeated in many newspapers 15 years before WW2 even began, it's called predictive mind-programming, and as Joseph Goebbels said..."if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth". The Palestinians had no chance, Christians, Jews, and Muslims who lived peacefully together had their lives ruined as the Zionist Ashkenazis took a hold in the newly created zionist state of Israel, a base from which the zionist could control the oil in the middle east under the HOAX of scarcity, thus justifying perpetual war, where in actual fact oil is not just abundant, it is self-generating as oil simply is made by the earth. For the next 75 years the zionist khazars (FALSE Jews) get a hold of the world's education system to indoctrinate children with falsehoods and propaganda, and world sympathy for the exterminated jews began, but the jews who died in the concentration camps were the real Jews, Hebrew Jews who had bloodlines to Judaea, whereas the Khazarians have NO bloodline to the Holy Land, so for 75 years the likes of Khazarian Ashkenazi Benjamin Netanyahu and others exploited the deaths of the real Jews murdered and persecuted by the Khazars wearing Hugo Boss uniforms. Russia was doing the same but this was not the Christian Russia but the Bolshevik controlled communist Russia...the Bolsheviks were zionists, pagan worshipping psychopaths, just like the Nazis, just like ISIS, just like Al Qaeda, satanic scumbag zionists.

The real Hebrew Jews in Israel have endured 75 years of Talmudic indoctrination, this is how the Khazars operate, they have a long history of identity theft, the zionists are parasites. Zionism started only a hundred or so years ago, Zionism is NOT a religion but a political ideology based on the teachings of the Pharisees using the Talmud, a book of babylonian depravity based on satanism, and this is what is connected not just to Freemasonry but also to the Judicial system of the Courthouses in the West.

Israel was never a country before 1948, Israel referred to the 12 tribes who were loyal to God, and God is something that the Jesuits in the Vatican despise as the Roman Catholic Church for many years were intent on destroying Christianity. The Zionists' god is the same god as the Jesuits....Lucifer, the same god worshipped by the Freemasons.

Israel needs to be cleaned up and zionists removed, to returned the land of Syria Palestina back to the real non-zionist Jews, Arabs, and Christians.

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