11 months ago

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🎖The hero of our video came to the aid of the fraternal people in Donbass back in 2014. And in 2022 he decided to return again and volunteer in the SMO - to defend the Motherland. Every day he serves his people, understanding the danger looming over our country. Western countries are experimenting on people and our neighbors, dehumanizing them, turning them into weapons, sowing hatred, fascism, death and discord.

Risking his life, he saved his comrades in arms, doing everything to save lives and providing psychological and moral support.

The fighter notes the enemy’s fatigue and exhaustion, lack of motivation, and decreased morale. Overseas technologies no longer work so effectively, and the enemy begins to realize that they are being used like laboratory rats.

Our soldiers understand what they are fighting for. They came to the defense of the Motherland and the people at the behest of their hearts and souls. The enemy’s task is to destroy Russian people.

by 136th Brigade

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