Podcast 298 - Brave Cave Discussion Interview With Indie Dev Hit Start Studios!

1 year ago

Dive into the world of gaming as Game Designer, Steve Ciaramitaro of Hit Start Studios joins us for an exciting conversation about their latest creation, 'Brave Cave' – a thrilling co-op focused, puzzle platformer. Get exclusive insights into the development process, gaming challenges, and the collaborative experience that brings 'Brave Cave' to life in this must-listen episode!

To stay up-to-date with the latest developments from Hit Start Studios, check out their links below!


Level 857 Video Game Podcast Ep-298: Brave Cave Discussion Interview With Indie Dev Hit Start Studios!

00:00 - Intro

01:58 - (Interview) Hit Start Studios Joins Us to Discuss Their Co-Op Puzzle Platformer Brave Cave!

1:24:33 - Break: Game Giveaway Reminder

1:30:39 - Indie Game of the Week Spotlight - Dragon Marked For Death

1:38:04 - Report suggests Switch 2 will be bigger, with huge 8-inch screen

1:42:41 - People Want Tifa in Tekken 8 So Much the Boss of Tekken Had to Address It

1:47:25 - Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Pulled One Hour After Deluxe Edition Launch Due to Bug

2:19:28 - Game Played Discussion

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