Why the USA has the highest COVID19 Deathtoll on Earth: The Biden Trump Genocide

1 year ago

Whats truly sad about the United States is that WE are now responsible for a bigger genocide than Adolph Hitlers Nazi Germany thanks to Trump, Biden, Obama, Fauci and many others in this All American focus and hardly anybody in the media is talking about bringing them to trial for Crimes Against Humanity, No immunity for Genocide charges. How do I fix that? What is Remdesivir? This is a build on previous work with additional material that belonged in this story so if you will recognize some of the clips but this has a lot of new material. The goal is to inform you as quickly as possible. Hope it helps. The media is doing a great job of entertaining billions to death with only glances of the truth.

Welcome to the meaningful minority's site.

See also:
Why Libtards and Snowflakes fear Trump's Second Coming

The several media plandemics killing Billions over time and the response.

Talking About the Globalist Cartel for None of the Above.

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