Ola Frithiofson on The Dirk Pohlmann Show - 03 February 2024

1 year ago

On today's show, Dirk Pohlmann will discuss Yannis Varoufakis's analysis of the developments in the global economy since 1971, with Ola Frithiofson, a Palme social democrat who was in charge of foreign policy in the youth organization of Swedish social democracy. They will explore Varoufakis's analysis, which draws a map of the worldwide economic development after the USA dropped the gold standard in 1971. Varoufakis argues that we are in a new phase of feudalism, where a few oligarchs govern, a concept he refers to as "cloud capitalism." This discussion will touch on current developments in Scandinavia and Germany, where the left is in decline and without clear orientation. The conversation will explore whether Trump-style politics is seen as a cure and if there's a need for an open-minded approach in the midst of this tectonic geopolitical shift.

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