Massive Amounts Of 'Copium': Meet The Press Can't Understand Why Biden Lags Trump On Economy Polling

1 year ago

The media can't just seem to understand why Biden is polling so poorly on the economy. We had four years of Trump and, while not perfect, the economy for most of his term was solid. Now we've had almost four years of Biden, and -- despite the White House's best efforts to gaslight us that things are great -- the reality for many Americans is the economy is bad. Kristen Welker and Steve Kornacki may not be feeling the impact of Biden's 'bottom up, middle out' economic plan, but average Americans are, and they're happy to point out why Biden is 22 points behind Trump on the economy. "Inflation Down" as in still more than two times worse than pre-Biden: -- Inflation may be 'down', but it is still double what it was before Biden took office. So the price of everything is still up.

"Jobs Up" -- The 'historic jobs numbers' are the most maddening part. Many of these jobs are ones that were lost during COVID and are simply returning. Biden isn't 'creating' jobs. Government doesn't create jobs. It only creates the conditions in which employers create jobs. And Biden is making that difficult. -- He raised prices before they went down… they went down only THISSSS MUCH. #BidenWorstPresidentEver -- And they're still up. And the White House keeps gaslighting us. -- You’re gaslighting people into believing they’re not permanently poorer

• More at: Twitchy - Massive Amounts of 'Copium': Meet the Press Can't Understand Why Biden Lags Trump on Economy Polling

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