Continue long video FACEBOOK’S Candidato López , José M. López Jr. , López José [ person

1 year ago

Continue long video FACEBOOK’S Candidato López , José
M. López Jr. , López José
[ person 👤 notice & others using wrong thought 💭 other person safe even can feel protect around myself never have wrong thought 💭 past me that’s true ] (1) light 💡 out today morning boil water 💦 made coffee ☕️ no gas ⛽️ electricity ⚡️ needed electricity ⚡️ out few hours imagine out months or year or years everything come down after bad and horrible things follows David Tice - The Power Grid Blackout / America's WORST Enemy Could Attack Any Moment | (2) FOIL 1📄2📄3📄 REQUESTS myself no secrets 🤫 nothing hide 🫣 share everything public others side activities and actions got answers (1) Dictionary 📕 cause
: a reason for an action or condition :
something that brings about an effect or a result :

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