Gen. Nakasone: The CCP’s pre-positioning within the US critical infrastructure for conflict with us

10 months ago

1/31/2024【Hearing on the CCP Cyber Threat to America】General Paul Nakasone: The CCP’s pre-positioning within the U.S. critical infrastructure is an attempt to provide it with options in times of crisis or conflict with us. We have to be vigilant and capable of both defense and offense.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #cyberattack
1/31/2024【中共对美网络威胁听证会】保罗·纳卡森将军: 中共在我们美国的关键基础设施内预先部署恶意软件是为了在危机或与我们发生冲突时拥有多种选择。我们必须保持警惕并兼备攻、防能力!
#中共 #消灭中共 #网络攻击

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