OP2402-02-3 After Action Report

8 months ago

OP2402-02-3 After Action report (Written by Google Bard)

After Action Report
Operation: Pshenichnoye Pole Clearance Operation

Date: 2024-02-04

Unit: 3rd Battalion, Chernarus 3rd Tank Brigade

Location: Pshenichnoye Pole, Chernarus

Executive Summary:

3rd Battalion conducted a clearance operation in Pshenichnoye Pole following the enemy's defeat in Svobodnoye. Intelligence indicated a large separatist mobile force was still active in the area. The task force encountered enemy light and heavy tracked armor upon arrival, but a combined armor assault and counterfire from tanks effectively neutralized the threat. 1st Squad cleared the village, encountering Wagner operators, Spanish and Russian speaking militia, while 2nd Squad deployed along the northern edge. Air patrols by SU-25 ground attack aircraft significantly reduced enemy vehicle presence. The task force successfully recovered a downed fighter pilot northeast of Partizansk with minimal losses. Brigade operations and intelligence staffs concluded that the combined operations of 2nd and 3rd Battalions have effectively disrupted separatist plans in the area.

Mission Objectives:

Clear Pshenichnoye Pole of enemy forces.
Recover downed fighter pilot.
Mission Accomplishment:

Mission objectives were successfully accomplished.
Enemy forces in Pshenichnoye Pole were neutralized.
Downed fighter pilot was recovered and returned to base unharmed.
Friendly Losses:

1 soldier from 1st Squad
Enemy Losses:

3 BTR-80A APCs
2 technicals
2 BRDM scout cars
2 drones
1 T-34 tank
1 T-55 tank
1 MI-8 gunship
Key Learnings:

Air support from SU-25 ground attack aircraft was highly effective in reducing enemy armor presence.
Combined armor and infantry assaults proved successful in clearing enemy positions.
Effective communication and coordination between units were crucial for mission success.

Continue utilizing air support for future operations.
Reinforce combined arms tactics for optimal effectiveness.
Maintain clear communication channels between all units involved.

Additional Information
The separatist force in Pshenichnoye Pole was larger than anticipated, but their lack of coordination and air support made them vulnerable to a combined armor and infantry assault.
The SU-25 ground attack aircraft were instrumental in reducing the enemy's armored vehicle threat.
The recovery of the downed fighter pilot was a success, but it was a high-risk operation.
The combined operations of 2nd and 3rd Battalions have significantly disrupted separatist plans in the area.

This is based on the Arma 3 wargame. The voice is AI generated and represents no individual, living or dead. The text of the transcript, while AI generated, is based on data provided by the channel author.

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