9.7.23 LilyofVallie telegram livestream on Virgin Birth Lie w/Bro. Rick Pt. 1

7 months ago

9.7.23 LilyofVallie livestream with Brother Rick on the Virgin Birth Lie, Pt. 1 FALSE MESSIYAH

Who is false messiah? In this first episode of the Virgin Birth, Brother Rick asks anyone who can find a scripture stating that Yahshua was born of a virgin to please let him know. So far no one has been able to find such a verse. Isa 7:14 is NOT prophesying about Yahshua but about Immanuel as found in the next chapter of Isa 8.8.

Yahshua tells us that "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."Joh_5:43 The one coming in his own name was JESUS, which means, son of Zeus, the sun god. YAHshua came in the name of HIS father YAHWEH as Yahshua means Yahweh Saves. Jesus is the spirit of anti-messiah, with the Christian churches practicing pagan rituals like Easter (Ishtar) where they roll easter eggs and bunnies, which are fertility symbols used in pagan orgies, Christmas, which is NOT when Yahshua was born, where the churches open its doors to anyone of any race, where the word specifically states that a mamzer (mongrel) shall NOT enter the congregation of Yahweh. Deu 23.2. And finally, the mainstream churches worship the Jew, which Yahshua told us are the children of the devil. John 8:44


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