2/2/24 Can A.I. Be Trained in Marxism? "Marx and the Church" part 5 S3E2p5

11 months ago

2/2/24 Can A.I. Be Trained in Marxism? "Marx and the Church" part 5
Okay, despite the title of today’s show, no one is claiming to be training artificial intelligence in Marxism. (At least not yet.) But as we’ll see today on Something’s Happening Here, some are experimenting with training A.I. in certain behaviors that share a lot in common with cultural-Marxist thought and practice. And what is the result? Not that dissimilar to what happens when you train an actual person in such ideas and behaviors! As if unleashing Marxism on the entire planet in the 20th century wasn’t enough, with its ensuing slaughter of 100 million people, it looks like we’re preparing to unleash it into the virtual world also! Whatever could be the result? On this week’s A.I. Update, we’ll use this conundrum to demonstrate the importance of salvation in Christ Jesus, and why that miracle cannot be replicated by a machine.

This week on our second episode of Season Four we’re tackling what some have called the church’s greatest enemy for more than a hundred years now: Marxism in all its forms.

Season 4 Episode 2
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