FDA – No Longer Requires Doctors and Nurses to Provide Informed Consent for Medicaid RSV Babies

1 year ago

The FDA is no longer requiring informed consent for the RSV Vaccine for Medicaid babies because now they are labeling the RSV vaccine an Antibody, which still doesn't make one bit of sense.

Informed Consent -- permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with full knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.

In short, the FDA is saying "Nothing to Worry about, these are Safe."

The options are now:
1. You allow them to jab your baby with the RSV or not be discharged.
2. The parents have to sign a paper saying they are declining the Antibody.

You can imagine the plans they have for the parents that decline the "antibody."

Everybody needs to help awaken all the idiots who have yet to figure out that Big Pharma, the CDC and the FDA is controlled by Evil f*ckers.

Give them the Memo that we are under attack by our medical tyrants.

End. 2/4/2024.

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