The Most Important Moment in History

1 year ago

The bible chapter Acts 2 records the most important moment in history to date. The events from Creation through the Gospels all point to this moment in time when salvation is offered to all mankind. This message explains how the significant events in history connect to Acts 2.
The Creation of the earth displays how YHVH is a God of order. The Torah outlines a culture. It is not just a law but a comprehensive way of life. The prophets and history offer remarkably accurate prophesies. They also show us how to appreciate the structure of biblical literature. The Gospels show us what God expects of us through His Son. The remarkable culmination of prophecies and the emotional pain the Mesiah experienced illustrate YHVH's plan for mankind.
From Acts 2, we see the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) given directly to the common man. This enabled the apostles to communicate to people in their native languages so there is no confusion about the The Most Important Moment in History. The people who participated in the Messiah's murder are humbled. They publicly profess their sins and repent. They, and we, learn the recipe for salvation: repent of your sins, accept Yeshua as the Messiah, and be baptized for forgiveness. Then Peter explains this message is for all whom God will call to Himself, which is why it matters to us.
Please enjoy this video on The Most Important Moment in History as we explain an overview of God's plan of salvation for mankind.
This message and it’s pdf notes are available at

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