Holy Quran - Sura 32, As-Sajdah (The Prostration) - Recitation by Al-Afasi

1 year ago

About the Sura:

Surah As-Sajda is the 32nd surah (chapter) of The Glorious Quran. Name of the surah means The Prostration. It has 30 ayaat (verses) and was revealed in the holy city of Medina i.e., after Prophet ﷺ migrated to the city of Medina. This surah can be found in juz / paara 21.


This Meccan sûrah, which takes its name from the prostrations of the believers in worship mentioned in verse 15, makes it clear that the Qurʾān is a divine revelation and that Almighty Allāh is the sole Creator, most capable of resurrection. Similar to the previous sûrah, a reference is made to the qualities of the believers and the disbelievers and the reward awaiting each. Both the end of this sûrah and the beginning of the next urge the Prophet ( ﷺ ) to turn away from the deniers and not yield to them.

Source and more Information: https://amrayn.com/quran/info/32

Full Surah As-Sajda Recitation by Mischari Raschid al-Afasi.

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