Next Dose 3 - Do We Still Need Proof?

1 year ago


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A Vial of Non-Vaccinated Blood was mixed with the mRNA Vaccine and after a short time - MAC Addresses were being generated.

What are MAC Addresses?

MAC Address = Media Access Control. The MAC Address is a unique number that identifies any device connected to a network or the Internet.

This identifier is unique n the world for a given connected object. it is generally stored on a Network Card.

The MAC Address of a connected object can be detected by Bluetooth scanner applications such as Bluetooth Finder.

What is Generating these MAC Addresses?

Micro-technology in the Injections? Microchips, Microantennas, etc.

Independent study of pure injections under a microscope indicate numerous structures that are rectangular or square which is similar to microchips.

Are they microchips?

They measure less than 10 microns for the smallest and 100 x 150 microns for the largest. They all seem to be the same thickness, only a few microns.

In Vivo Observations of Blood from a Vaccinated Person using a Scanning Electron Microscope. The blood is dried and completely dehydrated for observation under electron scanning microscope.

Micro-Antennas were found measuring a length of 120 microns or micrometers long. Others are 136 microns long. The base is slightly widened. Another micro-antennas was found that was 198 micrometers or microns long. Its minimum thickness is less than 2 microns and the base of the antenna is 4 to 6 micrometers.

Other structures appear to be self-nano-assembled or machined with varying measures -- height around 25 microns, other parts less than 1 micron thick. A human hair is 100 times larger. We are talking NANO Scale here.

According to Hope and Tivon Rivers - the inoculations provided a system upgrade so the body could be a NODE, a computer in the Network and data can be transferred to the Cloud. The jabs contain the self-assembling hardware needed to send and receive signals at very high rates of speed.

They are converting our bodies into Wireless Body Area Networks -- WBAN's for short.

7 Very Important Videos to Watch on this:

1. *** Wireless Body Area Network – How they Run Computer Networks through Human Bodies – Hope & Tivon --

2. *** Biosnesors and MAC Addresses – How do they get the biosensors in me? – What about the MAC ID’s? --

3. *** Biomedical Signals can be Measured from the Human Body Wirelessly – Our body is the Computer Network --

4. *** Wireless Body Area Network – (WBAN) – Was the Purpose of Covid to Connect us to the Cloud? --

5. *** Sabrina Wallace – CoV-BAN, IoT and WBAN – Computer Networking Through the Human Body --

6. *** Prof. Ian F. Akylidiz - "mRNA Vaccines are Injected as Programmable Bio-Nano Machines” --

7. *** 5G is a Weapon System Targeted towards the Injected to Hack inside your Body – WBAN --

Other Interesting Videos on MAC:

1. How to Find out if you have been Vaxxed or Chipped – MAC Addresses --

2. How to set up Android Phone to Detect Vaxxed Bluetooth MAC Addresses --

VIDEO SOURCE: FireMedic8 --

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