CBDC – Will CBDC be Imposed by Emergency – David Knight interviews Aaron Day

11 months ago

*This is GOOD.

Will there be a False Flag event that will fool the masses into accepting a Government imposed CBDC?

Expect Trump to be against this. But, he can always blame congress.

There are not enough votes in Congress to stop CBDC.

CBDC is nothing but introducing a One World Tyrannical Government. It is giving the government complete control of your life. Give them control of all your finances and you just lost everything.

If you don’t agree with something the government is pushing – they just delete some of your currency and / or will not deposit that Universal Basic Monthly Payment.

The money will be digitally printed and digitally programmed. They will know everything you buy, how much you pay and who you buy it from. Everything will be tracked.

CBDC and be programmed, monitored and censored. They can control how you spend your money also. If you want to buy something that isn’t on an approved government list, you can’t buy it. If you say something on Social Media that they don’t like, they can restrict your usage of digital cash.

They can say you have to spend this money by this certain date, it is best to stimulate the economy. So, in other words, you can only have a specific amount of money in their digital wallet. You will be forced to spend it in a certain time period or else it will just be deleted out of your account.

They will eventually determine where you can spend that digital money also. This is one that we definitely do not want to allow to happen.

We have already given up our health rights to the WHO.

We can NOT give up our Financial rights.

They work together. The WHO can declare an Emergency Pandemic and of course the solution to the pandemic will be a Vaccine. They can say you must take this vaccine as it is for the “Greater Good.” If you don’t take it, you will not receive your monthly free digital cash and benefits from the government.

This IS where it will head.

The USA has already completed 3 successful CBDC pilot studies. This was not in the news.

They are 100% planning on doing this. It is just a matter of how and when.

MIT and the Federal Reserve of Boston did a study from 2020 to 2022 and they achieved 1.7 million transactions per second, where we are now at 500,000 per second. Of course, this will be a major SELLING point.

Epstein and Gates invested in CBDC.

Now they just have to get the Legal sh*t done to actually introduce and implement this.

Nothing takes away freedom better than a good ole CRISIS.
FED NOW – is a real time settlement program, it is not CBDC.
We are moving to a Digital Tokenized World.

DARPA is funding Microsoft for coalition for content provenance and authenticity – which is to remove disinformation and remove free speech. Yes, our government is now OPENLY against free speech.

This is for CENSORING the truth folks.

Puppet Biden signed an EO for digital currency.

IRS is attempting to stop transactions of Bitcoin for $10,000 or more.

We are seeing an INTENTIONAL Demolition of the Financial System right now. A Staged Event.

It is the typical – Problem – Reaction – Solution scenario. Of course, the solution is always fabricated way before they present the problem. The reaction is most often FEAR - (false evidence appearing real). The Solution is ALWAYS a solution they sell which claims to be for the “Greater Good of Humanity”, which is the lie we continue to buy over and over and over.

The plandemic, for example – Problem=Virus, Reaction=FEAR, Solution=Vaccines (for system upgrade – https://rumble.com/v4ale6o-wireless-body-area-network-how-they-run-computer-networks-through-human-bod.html ).

The jabs were for the Greater Good.

We KNOW 100% that they want to implement their CBDC plan, so now the question is what will the problem be?

What will our reaction be?

Will it be the same as always and we accept their solution?

We need to wake the h*ll up and stop consenting to their F*cking Bullsh*t.

The US Dollar is no longer on the Gold Standard – meaning you can’t go to a bank and trade your dollar for gold.

Fractional Reserve – Banks only needed 10% of their deposits in the vault and could lend out all the rest.

BUT, another thing that occurred on Trump watch was they eliminated this. The banks are lending more money that they have.

It is a deliberate, intentional set up to destroy the economy. It is a PLAN. 100%.

If too many people go to their banks and begin withdrawing their funds, the banks become illiquid. Not enough cash.

What happens then? Those Banks fail. They go under. They can no longer make payments on their loans and it is a domino effect with all these banks lending money to each other are in one ship and they all go down.

The PLAN is for ALL countries to DUMP the US Dollar. Dump the Petrol Dollar – meaning no more payments from fake US fiat to buy oil.

The long term bonds are in decline vs short term bonds, the Yield Inversion Curb is INVERTED, meaning short term bond interest rates are higher than long term bond interest rates. That is NOT Normal and that is NOT a good sign.

It’s a setup. They are just waiting for the people to realize that their money may not be safe and the people will make the bank runs and that could be trigger to financial collapse.

That would be – The Problem.
What would be – The Reaction?
The Solution – Digital Currency or Central Bank Digital Currency – CBDC.

This is where we are heading.

If I could bet on the collective reaction, it would be we choose CBDC.

You see, they do give us a Choice.

They also manipulate our reaction by their main propaganda engine – the media.

Our reaction will be FEAR of Losing EVERYTHING we have EVER worked for.

But what if the great caring government had the solution that would PREVENT this?

What if the gov says that we will reimburse what you had on record in the new Digital Financial System.

FDIC insurance sure won’t help. That could be wiped in a couple hours of initial bank runs.

The Big Banks will survive as they are IN the Club. They KNOW this plan. They will eat up all the others. You can see them right now offering $300 to $500 just to open an account with them.

These are the same banks will be part of the Solution. They will say, “Well, if you agree to join our CBDC financial system, we will give you 1.5 dollars for every dollar you had in your bank account or stock account.”

People were willing to stick their arms out for the prick for a f*cking Hot Dog. I’m sure they will buy this one.

What will happen when all the BRICS countries really do dump the US dollar?

If we had a true leader – a true caring government, we could dump the Federal Reserve Notes and create our own National Currency – US Notes or American Notes.

Kennedy tried this and was murdered a week later.

Does your savior Trump have the balls to do this? LOL, Hahahah. Yeah, right. His main boy, his son-in-law is for CBDC and so was Mnuchin and his daughter Ivanka Trump is definitely on board with CBDC.

Trump KNOWS that the people do NOT want this so expect Trump to ACT like he is battling this, but he knows that this is already a done deal.

Trump is a double-speaking liar.

Trump is 100% HOPE PORN.

The “Political Process” is not the route that will help the people. We have to do this on an individual level.

They plan on crashing everything at once, it will be an event that has never been seen before, which is the STORM.

Crypto, Gold, Commodities, Stocks, Bonds and then they will have Cyber-Attacks on Banks and the Power Grid.

Their New World Order will be introduced as a Solution to the CHAOS they are causing and when the “Storm” hits, everyone will know it and everyone will be effected.

We will have a choice – accept it or not.

SOURCE: EarthNewspaper.com -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/Mhr1iMEWsdiF/

END. 2/4/2024.

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