The 1933 Chicago Jewish Pageant (Read Description)

1 year ago

1933: 150,000 Jews gathered in Chicago for a “historical pageant” to simulate a child sacrifice to Moloch.

The event was called ”The Romance of a People”

It was organized by the Zionist Organization of America.

Israel was later founded by the Rothschilds and other powerful Zionists.

Woodrow Wilson sold America to the Zionist Bankers by creating the Federal Reserve Bank.

Woodrow Wilson was also one of the architects of the League Of Nations that later changed into the United Nations.

The United Nations is about to become a gigantic coffin.

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1933, not long after the great depression, which was man-made and deliberate. The same year the Birth Certificates (Bonded Slavery) scam started, the same year Adolf Hitler (Father was a zionist Rothschild (Ashkenazi Khazarian False Jew)) rose to power with his fellow Nazis. Everything was orchestrated.

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