The Timeline Deception - The Last Great Reset (Please Read Description)

1 year ago

For those new to all this...research Tartaria and the Great Mud Floods, many old houses did not have basements, they were covered up by the mud flood.

Research the Orphan Trains, the Incubator Babies of Staten Island otherwise referred to as the Cabbage Patch forward to tho craze of the Cabbage Patch Dolls...and they came with Birth's been in our faces all this time. Staten Island is also connected to the works of Dr Anthony Fauci who was involved in the HIV "pandemic", another man-made patented "virus" that was a genetic gain of function research bioweapon that was put into the Hepatitis Vaccine Program. It was the US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger who being extremely satanic and psychopathic signed off the release of the contaminated "vaccine" and it was tested on handicapped children at Willowbrook State School on Staten Island. Soon after Merck distributed the "Hepatitis Vaccine Program" to the gay communities, first in New York City and then other major cities. Let's not leave the blacks out eh? That's right...the same evil scumbags used HIV contaminated Smallpox vaccines in Africa and Brazil. Fast forward to 2020 and the governments and mockingbird media and the corrupt Police and councils went full-throttle pro-BLM and Pro-LGBTQ++++ (extra letters for the embedded pedophiles, satanists, and marxist-communists). The good black folk and the good LGBT folk were played like pawns in a Chess game, years and years of media propaganda of how blacks and LGBT were "oppressed", sewing the seeds of division. The Democrats were the main deep-state party, allegiance to the City of London since the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, where the vast majority of US Congress joined the Illuminati. This goes soooo deep. Anyone who is only just waking up to the brutal truth will be extremely pissed off and angry, and so you should be. The patriots worldwide, have been warning you for decades. Now you can see why Julian Assange (Trump's cousin). Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, and President Donald J. Trump were demonised by the Satanic New World Order, the freemasons in the Police, Courts, Councils, Government, Hollywood, UN, WEF, WHO, the Corporatocracy and so on.

Wake up!

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