Prophetic Word: Come to Me

1 year ago

My name is Kimberly Hoover. I am born again of the Water and of the Spirit since 2004, and am a chosen vessel of Jesus Christ for the following mission: to preach the Gospel to every creature and bring forth the the End Time message, that Christ returns soon. I am married to my wonderful husband, Timothy, have 5 children, and 1 grandchild. The Lord has called me into the prophetic ministry, into teaching, and have been actively involved with music and children’s ministry at our local church over the years. I am also a Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Wisconsin. Like, Share, and Follow the Omega Mission Channel on Rumble. Thank you for visiting and God bless you!

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Tell My people I love them. Tell them to wait on Me for I come quickly on the clouds. I come soon. Do not look to the right, nor to the left. Remove thy foot from evil. Children, your feet are mingling with evil. Turn away. Get out of it. I have more for you, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, Your Redeemer. Repent, for My Kingdom is at hand. Lay down your burdens. They are heavy. Lay it down. Run the race with Me. Look to Me, children. Come, please. I called you. There is more for you. Destruction comes. Death, destruction. Homes gone, leveled. Buildings burned, burned to the ground. Destruction, war, smoke. Yes, it comes. Do not fear. Come to Me, Repent. Judgment comes. Will you come, children? Will you come to Me now? saith the Lord. Hear My cry to you, children. Come.

Scriptural References:

Proverbs 4:27
Hebrews 12:1
Romans 4:14-22
Hebrews 4:12
Hebrews 12:14
Hebrews 11:1, 6
Ephesians 6:17-18
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 10:17
James 2:17
Revelation 21:8
Revelation 22:7

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