The Working Class have had enough of the UK

10 months ago

Many loyal patriotic Brits are fed up of the UK or at least the people running it, or rather the handlers of the people 'running' it?

We've all had enough crap and being shafted from behind with higher taxes, more fines, more censorship, fake food, fake news, escalating costs of living, more wars, illegal migrants getting free benefits and free healthcare, higher crime rates with no punishment - just £50 fines for murder, but if you're a tax paying citizen, you can be conscripted to fight for the many new wars on the horizon, be it in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Far East or Africa because we're just cannon fodder for these Globalist Ziocon Oligarchs and we're also guinea pigs for their new deadly vaccines. Its a lose-lose situation and you still have to pay for the privileges.
Maybe this too is part of their agenda to diminish the indigenous populations ie The Great Replacement towards a New World Order?

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