The Return of The Goddesses MALTA

1 year ago

Malta or Melita as it was known in Goddess times, is known as the Isle of Honey or Divine Plasma. It is the very heart centre of the Divine Feminine node or dragon node on the earth. Some of the oldest Goddess temples of Lemuria are still visible and standing in Malta. Dragon nodes or Dragon Eggs are where Dragon lines or lay lines intersect. Since this is the heart center of Mother Earth’s Dragon Egg where all the leylines come together it controls the energetic template of our Mother Earth. It is not unlike the key point where one can upload whatever software program that they want Earth’s energetic body to run. So you can image how powerful this island is and why it has been coveted by the Fallen angelic parasites. It was originally guarded by the Goddesses who were the embodiment of the hierogamic union of divine masculine and divine feminine in physical form. They performed daily toning rituals in subterranean healing chambers that honeycombed Malta. Modern day Malta is just the tip of the iceberg the mountain top of what was once MU. What ever is fed into these ley lines determines the energetic temperature of our planet. The Goddesses maintained our Earth in a high frequency. In the subterranean chambers of the Hypogeum where the Goddesses performed their toning rituals Krystala Spirals are painted in red ochre to symbolize the flow of life lava blood. When Malta fell to the Luciferian Knights Templar they lowered the frequency of our Earth by penetrating the energetic template of the dragon egg heart center with satanic blood rituals and filled the holiest of holy sacred chambers with the dead who had suffered fear, pain and hopelessness. They programed the energetic template to serve their banking systems enslaving our free infinite energetic with their black magic finite prison. But the Goddesses have returned and we are taking back our Mother Earth her precious template and resetting it back to the Krystala Spiral of Infinite Source! Shifting from the Lunar Zodiac to Solar Zodiac Imprints On the Krystala spiral the corrected solar calendar positions for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back. The corrected solar calendar positions generated a morphogenetic blueprint barrier between 3D lunar matrix zodiac and its artificial timelines, and the 5D solar matrix zodiac and the organic timelines. Thus for many, this bifurcation split from lunar calendar to solar calendar in the timelines has generated a new position within the timelines, shifting the zodiac imprints and igniting intense solar activations and miasmatic purging of lunar overlays such as: Anti-Hierogamic Technology: AI red wave and red cube systems, red trident, fracturing and splitting humans away from reuniting with their authentic gender twin matrix, sending them into alternate or false timelines, making natural hierogamic union.

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