Baby Girl Is Number One Fan Of Dad And His Guitar

7 years ago

There is a belief that babies are born as tabula rasa, a blank page, eager to write their experience of this world they live in on those pages. They have to learn everything from scratch and it’s pure survival instinct that makes them the most eligible students. Everything from the very first breath they take, to the first chew and the first coherent speech is new for them, and an absolute delight to their parents.

It is too precious to just watch your kid grow within a moment’s time. It’s like you held them in the palms of your hands only yesterday, and today they are screaming ‘mama’ at the tops of their lungs. You stand there looking at them, extremely proud of their accomplishment but also extremely sad that time is passing by so fast. It is whizzing past your eyes and the only thing you think of is to squeeze as much time in with them as possible.

Any kind of bonding time between a dad and his baby is precious. But when dad has a hobby of some sort, he can’t wait until he can share it with his new bud. Be it some sort of craft, a collection of some kind or an instrument, when the kid is old enough to understand, a dad will try and “assimilate” them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t; but when it does, this is what it looks like!

Although many people might think that children are biased, we beg to differ. They really don’t filter the things they say and it comes in handy when you need an honest opinion. Their reaction is truly genuine, so when they tell you that you are the best, you better believe it because it’s not just pep talk.

From what we can tell, this baby girl is dad’s number one fan! Seeing dad all dressed up, armed with his acoustic guitar out and finely tuned, she runs, or rather, crawls towards him and starts clapping her hands like a enamoured fangirl!

It is Bobby Darin’s 1959 hit song “Dream Lover”, a song every girl swooned over in the 50s and 60s, and now this tiny baby in 2018! With dad’s present day arrangement, it is the newest hit single and this fan girl is loving it! Just watch her dance by shaking that diaper-clad booty back and forth on the couch. Dad is sure having a blast playing for his private audience!

And we thought Bon Jovi girl was a hard-rock fan! When her played Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead Or Alive” on his acoustic guitar, his eight-month-old daughter started rocking out, horns blazing and everything! Dad sings and she follows suit.

They are both too adorable to handle!

What dо you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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