Article 4637 Video - International Public Notice -- It Was Not a Mistake By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4637 Video - International Public Notice -- It Was Not a Mistake - Saturday, February 3, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The reasons are made obvious:

Please note the video clips of the bizarre stadium pageant staged at the London Olympics years before the pandemic --- with sexy nurses carrying needles and patients using hospital beds as trampolines and trying to escape assassins and all the rest of it.

That was years before the democide.

We let JFK's murder stand under a manure pile of government secrecy and obvious Warren Commission lies.

We accepted the same snow jobs with RFK, MLK, Princess Diana, Vince Foster, and so many other people who depended on us for justice.

We turned our backs on Randy Weaver's wife, baby, and young son. We didn't look at what went on in Waco and the massacre of the Branch Davidians.

We were horrified but did nothing about LaVoy Finicum.

Nothing about the Colorado Nine.

Nothing about Russell Means, Don Benson, Steve Curry and thousands of other Americans who have suffered and died under the bootheels of lawless piratical foreign corporations acting as "government services providers" and phony judges acting as bill collectors taking a cut on commission.

Congressman Louis T. MacFadden? Charles Lindburgh's baby? General George Patton?

The dumb clucks among us still shrug and think, "Well, it's our government, and our government wouldn't do anything wrong...."

But now you know for sure that it's not our government doing these things.

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