Harmony Inside for Higher Potentials

11 months ago

Those who subscribe to me on Substack ( https://talknet.substack.com/ ), know one of the first insights I shared on youtube, before they deleted my channel, was: "Fight for your life..... to have harmony inside". That was the way it was said to me, which made it unforgettable... Fight for your life ------- to have harmony inside. The first part sounded pretty scary without the second part, so I never forgot it.

The channeller in this video addresses harmony within. If we want to find peace and harmony outside, then we have find it inside first.

This goes hand-in-hand with the dark-night-of-the-soul purging and separation from old earth life, old earth karma and old earth, frequency-discordant relationships.

We are releasing/lightening-up to ascend to new frequencies of consciousness/reality. It creates a disconnect and emptiness inside, as we release old-earth fear/density to make room for something new and lighter.

Andromedan Starseeds, Star People & Star Beings: THIS IS WHY WE ARE HERE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv-FaH-ICgs

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