Antifa Communist at Take Our Border Back San Diego, CA

8 months ago

Antifa Communist Anti-Americans showed up at the Take Our Border Back today in San Diego, CA. They drove back and forth with a PA strapped to the truck's roof and yelled no border, no wall, and fuck you, while a cop tailed them everywhere they went. Their sign stated, we don't have a border problem we have and imperialism problem. Maybe they don't understand how a country works, maybe they don't understand that a country has a border, that a house has a door, or that many animals have territories which is the basic idea of a border. That essentially all groups of people going all the way back to the stone age had some form of a border. If they don't want a border they can go somewhere else and try to find that magical fantasy they are high on. Some of the Pro Americans that were there, showed everyone how to deal with disruptors. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 1776!

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