Are you suffering from cancer?

1 year ago

If you are suffering from cancer, come and check this healthy remedy! To do this, here's what you will need:
Coconut milk
Bananas (Frozen)
Milk Thistle
Green Tea
Berberine (Block Glucose)
Monk Fruit Sweetener
❤️ Don't forget to share with your loved ones
About the photo:
Remember that whole phrase "An apple a day keeps the doctor away?" Apple seeds contain b17. The same beneficial b17 that can be found in cherries and apricots.
Ever notice how most people spit out the seed? Wonder which part of the rockefeller marketing schemes started that one?
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment. I'm not here to get likes or even followers. I want to redpill as many as I can and I need your help....
ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
PS I haven't monetized my channel yet but when I get to 500 followers I might...
Repeat a LIE often enough and it becomes ISRAEL.
“This country, America, has been around for over 240 years and we have never had one president who was assassinated by a person with no ties to the U.S. government.”
Just to get away from reality. Fantastic link.
This is the perfect explanation I have ever heard of the lies that the so called "Christians" have been believing all their lives....
Radioactive Boy Scout - How Teen David Hahn Built a Nuclear Reactor 😱😱😱
In 2016 it saw Hahn mysteriously dying at the young age of 39,

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